
Bureaux,conky et autres personnalisations esthétiques.
Messages : 16473
Enregistré le : ven. 19 juin 2015 22:13
Localisation : plus ici

Re: Conky

Message par zeb »

Dernier message de la page précédente :

Merci pour les images, ça aide à voir les résultats, qui sont vraiment pas mal ;)
dagonh a écrit :Tu devrais changer de pseudo pour « Tchaïkovski ». :lol:
c'est trop classique pour moi :D

Avatar du membre
Messages : 517
Enregistré le : lun. 13 juil. 2015 17:32
Localisation : Sarreguemines

Re: Conky

Message par loutch »


Conky accuweather pour les 16 prochaines heures .Les informations sont à prendre sur la page english j'ai traduit en Français ce que j'ai pu

Pour les traductions qui manquent il suffit de mettre à la suite dans le fichier 1c dans la partie traduction. Le pack du site bunsenlabs est à prendre ici et à extraire dans le home .

mon conkyrc modifier :

Code : Tout sélectionner

background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont URW Chancery L:style=Bold:size=10
xftalpha 1
update_interval 6.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
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own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
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text_buffer_size 2048
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draw_graph_borders no
default_color ffffff
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color6 00BFFF #DeepSkyBlue
color7 B0E0E6 #PowderBlue
color8 FFD700 #Gold
color9 ff0000 #LightSalmon
default_outline_color black
alignment tl
gap_x 280
gap_y 720
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale yes
# Fonctionne uniquement avec les polices Fixes
#use_spacer yes
imlib_cache_size 0
text_buffer_size 4096

lua_load ~/.conky/lua/image.lua

# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
${texeci 600 bash $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/1c}
${voffset -10}Heures${goto 95} ${time %H} h${goto 160} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="1 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 220} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="2 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 280} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="3 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 340} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="4 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 400} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="5 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 460} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="6 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 520} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="7 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 580} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="8 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 640}${execi 30 echo `date --date="9 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 700} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="10 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 760} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="11 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 820} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="12 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 880} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="13 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 940} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="14 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h${goto 1000} ${execi 30 echo `date --date="15 hour" | awk '{print $4}'` | cut -c-2} h

${voffset 15}Conditions${color}\
${goto 100}${execpi 600 sed -n '21p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 160}${execpi 600 sed -n '25p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '29p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 280}${execpi 600 sed -n '33p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 340}${execpi 600 sed -n '37p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 400}${execpi 600 sed -n '41p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 460}${execpi 600 sed -n '45p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 520}${execpi 600 sed -n '49p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 580}${execpi 600 sed -n '21p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 640}${execpi 600 sed -n '25p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 700}${execpi 600 sed -n '29p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 760}${execpi 600 sed -n '33p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 820}${execpi 600 sed -n '37p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 880}${execpi 600 sed -n '41p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 940}${execpi 600 sed -n '45p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 1000}${execpi 600 sed -n '49p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}
${goto 100}${execpi 600 sed -n '22p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 160}${execpi 600 sed -n '26p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '30p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 280}${execpi 600 sed -n '34p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 340}${execpi 600 sed -n '38p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 400}${execpi 600 sed -n '42p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 460}${execpi 600 sed -n '46p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 520}${execpi 600 sed -n '50p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 580}${execpi 600 sed -n '22p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 640}${execpi 600 sed -n '26p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 700}${execpi 600 sed -n '30p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 760}${execpi 600 sed -n '34p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 820}${execpi 600 sed -n '38p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 880}${execpi 600 sed -n '42p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 940}${execpi 600 sed -n '46p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}${goto 1000}${execpi 600 sed -n '50p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr | cut -c1-7}
${execpi 600 sed -n '2p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether}
${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether}
${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether}
${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether}
${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether}

####  icones #### 
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/20.png  80 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/23.png 140 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/26.png 200 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/29.png 260 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/32.png 320 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/35.png 380 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/38.png 440 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/41.png 500 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/120.png 560 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/123.png 620 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/126.png 680 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/129.png 740 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/132.png 800 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/135.png 860 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/138.png 920 30 65 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/141.png 980 30 65 40}

le fichier 1c

Code : Tout sélectionner

#put your Accuweather address here
loc_id=$(echo $address|sed 's//weather-forecast.*$//'|sed 's/^.*///')
last_number=$(echo $address|sed 's/^.*///')
curr_addr="$(echo $address|sed 's/weather-forecast.*$//')"current-weather/"$last_number"
addr1="$(echo $address|sed 's/weather-forecast.*$//')"hourly-weather-forecast/"$last_number"
kill -STOP $(pidof conky)
killall wget
rm $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/*.png
wget --save-cookies $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/cookie -O $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/curr_cond_raw $curr_addr
wget --load-cookies $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/cookie -O $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1 $addr1
#First 8hrs - hourly_raw1 file
if [[ -s $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1 ]]; then
sed -i -e '/"arrow-small-right">Next 8 hours/,/"chart chart-top"/!d' -e 's/°/°/g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i '/td style="border-right/d' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e 's/^.*<th>//g' -e 's/^.*<td class="//g' -e 's/^.*<div class="//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1 
sed -i -e 's/ icon.*$//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e 's/^">|first-col">|last-col">//g' -e 's/</td>.*$//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e '60,67s/^.*>//g' -e 's/^.*row">|</th>//g' -e 's/®|°//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e 's/^.*row">|</th>//g' -e 's/®|°//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e 's/^.*</span></div>//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e 's/">/n/g' -e '/<tr|</tr>/d' -e 's/" class="arrow-small-right.*$//g' -e 's/^.*<span>//g' -e 's/</span>
/:/g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e 's/</div>.*$//g' -e 's/^.*icon i-//g' -e '/<th class="first/d' -e 's/^.*<th class="//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e 's/^.*<a href="//g' -e 's/" class=".*$//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e '/<|;/d' -e 's/r//g' -e '/^ *$/d' -e 's/^ *//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
sed -i -e 's/day.*$/day/g' -e 's/night.*$/night/g' -e 's/-h.*$//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
for (( i=20; i<=41; i+=3 ))
      cp $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/Forecast_Images/$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1).png $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/$i.png
for (( i=21; i<=50; i+=3 ))
  no=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1|wc -c)
if (( no<=7 )); then
sed -i $i"s/$/n/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
elif (( no>7 )); then
sed -i $i"s/^(.{7})/1n/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1
addr2=$(sed -n 1p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
wget --load-cookies $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/cookie -O $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2 $addr2
#Next 8hrs - hourly_raw2 file
if [[ -s $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2 ]]; then
sed -i -e '/"arrow-small-right">Next 8 hours/,/"chart chart-top"/!d' -e 's/°/°/g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i '/td style="border-right/d' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e 's/^.*<th>//g' -e 's/^.*<td class="//g' -e 's/^.*<div class="//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2 
sed -i -e 's/ icon.*$//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e 's/^">|first-col">|last-col">//g' -e 's/</td>.*$//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e '60,67s/^.*>//g' -e 's/^.*row">|</th>//g' -e 's/®|°//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e 's/^.*row">|</th>//g' -e 's/®|°//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e 's/^.*</span></div>//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e 's/">/n/g' -e '/<tr|</tr>/d' -e 's/" class="arrow-small-right.*$//g' -e 's/^.*<span>//g' -e 's/</span>
/:/g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e 's/</div>.*$//g' -e 's/^.*icon i-//g' -e '/<th class="first/d' -e 's/^.*<th class="//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e 's/^.*<a href="//g' -e 's/" class=".*$//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e '/<|;/d' -e 's/r//g' -e '/^ *$/d' -e 's/^ *//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
sed -i -e 's/day.*$/day/g' -e 's/night.*$/night/g' -e 's/-h.*$//g' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
for (( i=20; i<=41; i+=3 ))
      cp $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/Forecast_Images/$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2).png $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/$(( $i+100 )).png
for (( i=21; i<=50; i+=3 ))
  no=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2|wc -c)
if (( no<=7 )); then
sed -i $i"s/$/n/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
elif (( no>7 )); then
sed -i $i"s/^(.{7})/1n/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2
# Full info - altogether file
rm $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 10}${hr 1}" > $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "TEMP.(°C)${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=52; i<=59; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "2s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=52; i<=59; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "2s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "Réel.(°C)${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=61; i<=68; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "4s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=61; i<=68; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "4s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "HUMIDITEE${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=70; i<=77; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "6s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=70; i<=77; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "6s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "PLUIE${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=79; i<=86; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "8s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=79; i<=86; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "8s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "NEIGE${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=88; i<=95; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "10s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=88; i<=95; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "10s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "GIVRE${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=97; i<=104; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "12s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=97; i<=104; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "12s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "VENT(km/h)${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=106; i<=113; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "14s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=106; i<=113; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "14s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "INDEX UV${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=115; i<=122; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "16s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=115; i<=122; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "16s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "COUV. NUAGE${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=124; i<=131; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "18s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=124; i<=131; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "18s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
echo "${color ffffff}${goto 100}${hr 1}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
echo "ROSEE (°C)${color}" >> $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
for (( i=133; i<=140; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1)
sed -i "20s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
for (( i=133; i<=140; i+=1 ))
temp=$(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2)
sed -i "20s/$/${goto $jump_to}$temp/" $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether
jump_to=$(( jump_to+=60 ))
  ## English to French
cp $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1 $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
if [[ -s $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr ]]; then
sed -i -e 's/Clouds and sun/Nuages et soleil/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/A couple of showers/Averses éparses/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/cloudy/Nuageux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Mostly Cloudy/Ciel plutôt nuageux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Rain and drizzle/Pluie et bruine/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Cloudy with a couple/Nuages épars/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Cloudy with a bit of/Nuageux,Faible pluie/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Showers/Averses/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/breezy/Venteux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Times of clouds and/Nuages épars avec soleil/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Rain shover/Averses de pluie/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Rain/Pluie/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Light rain/Pluie/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Cloudy/Nuageux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Mostly cloudy/Peu nuageux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
sed -i -e 's/Mostly/Peu/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw1-fr
 ## English to French
cp $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2 $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
if [[ -s $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr ]]; then
sed -i -e 's/Clouds and sun/Nuages et soleil/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/A couple of showers/Averses éparses/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/cloudy/Nuageux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Mostly Cloudy/Ciel plutôt nuageux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Rain and drizzle/Pluie et bruine/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Cloudy with a couple/Nuages épars/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Cloudy with a bit of/Nuageux,Faible pluie/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Showers/Averses/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/breezy/Venteux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Times of clouds and/Nuages épars avec soleil/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw21-fr
sed -i -e 's/Rain shover/Averses de pluie/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Rain/Pluie/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Light rain/Pluie/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Cloudy/Nuageux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Mostly cloudy/Peu nuageux/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr
sed -i -e 's/Mostly/Peu/' $HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/hourly_raw2-fr

sed -i -e 's/NW/NO/g' -e 's/WNW/ONO/g' -e 's/NNW/NNO/g' -e 's/W/O/g' -e 's/SSW/SSO/g' -e 's/SW/SO/g' -e 's/WSW/OSO/g' /$HOME/1c_accuweather_images_hourly/altogether

kill -CONT $(pidof conky)

ce que ça donne:

Modifié en dernier par Invité le mer. 29 avr. 2020 15:25, modifié 1 fois.
Raison : image mise sur FFLMpics
HP Pavilion g 7 1357 sf avec ssd Tessa cinnamon Mageia 7rc mate
Asus ROG avec xubuntu 18.04 et xubuntu 19.04


Messages : 16473
Enregistré le : ven. 19 juin 2015 22:13
Localisation : plus ici

Re: Conky

Message par zeb »

Très joli, merci loutch ;)

Avatar du membre
Messages : 517
Enregistré le : lun. 13 juil. 2015 17:32
Localisation : Sarreguemines

Re: Conky

Message par loutch »


Autre conky meteo du site wunderground (par contre ici il faut une inscription pour un code api ) à éxtraire dans votre home.

le pack ici :

mon conkyrc francisé (en faite le conkyrc3 du pack)

Code : Tout sélectionner

background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont URW Chancery L:style=Bold:size=10
xftalpha 1
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 1240 00
maximum_width 1240
text_buffer_size 2048
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
default_color ffffff
color0 A9A9A9 #DarkGray
color1 778899 #LightSlateGray
color2 F5F5DC #Beige
color3 87CEFA #LightSkyBlue
color4 48D1CC #MediumTurquoise
color5 FFDEAD #NavajoWhite
color6 00BFFF #DeepSkyBlue
color7 B0E0E6 #PowderBlue
color8 FFD700 #Gold
color9 ff0000 #LightSalmon
default_outline_color black
alignment tl
gap_x 270
gap_y 10
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale yes
# Fonctionne uniquement avec les polices Fixes
#use_spacer yes
imlib_cache_size 0 
 uppercase no

 lua_load ~/.conky/lua/image.lua

${execi 1800 bash $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/2b}	
${font URW Chancery L:style=Bold:size=16}${voffset -30}${goto 15}${time %A, %d %B %Y}${voffset -30}${font}\
${voffset 20}${goto 570}${execi 600  sed -n '5p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}     ${goto 830}Mise à jour ${execi 600  sed -n '53p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}\
${goto 260}${color7}${execi 600  sed -n '6p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun}   Visibilitée : ${execi 600  sed -n '2p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun} %    Age : ${execi 600  sed -n '4p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun} Jours${color}
${voffset 10}${color5}${goto 380}${execi 600 echo `date --date="0 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3}'`}\
		${goto 460}${execi 600 echo `date --date="1 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
		${goto 530}${execi 600 echo `date --date="2 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
		${goto 600}${execi 600 echo `date --date="3 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
		${goto 670}${execi 600 echo `date --date="4 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
		${goto 740}${execi 600 echo `date --date="5 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
		${goto 810}${execi 600 echo `date --date="6 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
		${goto 880}${execi 600 echo `date --date="7 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
		${goto 950}${execi 600 echo `date --date="8 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
		${goto 1020}${execi 600 echo `date --date="9 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}${color}${voffset -10}
  ${color5}${execi 600  sed -n '63p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr}${color}
  Pression ${execi 600  sed -n '85p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}mb\
	${goto 160}Index UV  ${execi 600  sed -n '121p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}
  Pt. Rosée     ${execi 600  sed -n '95p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}°\
	${goto 160}Humiditée  ${execi 600  sed -n '69p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}
  Visibilitée  ${execi 600  sed -n '117p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}km\
	${goto 160}Pluie  ${execi 600  sed -n '133p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}mm
  Vent        ${execi 600  sed -n '81p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}\
	${goto 160}${execi 600  sed -n '73p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}\
	${goto 200}${execi 600  sed -n '75p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}°		
  Heu.Lev.: ${color8}${execi 600  sed -n '16p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun}:${execi 600  sed -n '18p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun} \
${goto 150}${color} Heur Cou.: ${color8}${execi 600  sed -n '21p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun}:${execi 600  sed -n '23p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun}${color}\
${voffset -35}${goto 240} Temp. ${goto 310}Res.
	${goto 250}${font URW Chancery L:style=Bold :size=12}${color3}${execi 600  sed -n '67p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}°${color}\
	${goto 305}${color3}±${execi 600  sed -n '113p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions}°${color}${font}${voffset 35}\
	${voffset -60}\
${goto 350}Temp.:${color9}${goto 400}${execi 600  sed -n '39p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		          ${goto 470}${execi 600  sed -n '145p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		          ${goto 540}${execi 600  sed -n '251p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		          ${goto 610}${execi 600  sed -n '357p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		          ${goto 680}${execi 600  sed -n '463p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		          ${goto 750}${execi 600  sed -n '569p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		          ${goto 820}${execi 600  sed -n '675p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
        	          ${goto 890}${execi 600  sed -n '781p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		          ${goto 960}${execi 600  sed -n '887p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		          ${goto 1030}${execi 600  sed -n '993p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°${color}
${goto 350}Vent.: ${goto 390}${execi 600  sed -n '89p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 460}${execi 600  sed -n '195p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 530}${execi 600  sed -n '301p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 600}${execi 600  sed -n '407p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 670}${execi 600  sed -n '513p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 740}${execi 600  sed -n '619p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 810}${execi 600  sed -n '725p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 880}${execi 600  sed -n '831p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 950}${execi 600  sed -n '937p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 1020}${execi 600  sed -n '1043p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}
${goto 350}Vit.: ${goto 390}${execi 600  sed -n '87p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 460}${execi 600  sed -n '193p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 530}${execi 600  sed -n '299p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 600}${execi 600  sed -n '405p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 670}${execi 600  sed -n '511p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 740}${execi 600  sed -n '617p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 810}${execi 600  sed -n '723p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 880}${execi 600  sed -n '829p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 950}${execi 600  sed -n '935p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 1020}${execi 600  sed -n '1041p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h${voffset 60}

${voffset -20}${goto 14}${execi 600  sed -n '157p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} : ${execi 600  sed -n '121p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} h\
  ${goto 85}${execi 600  sed -n '391p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} : ${execi 600  sed -n '355p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} h\
  ${goto 155}${execi 600  sed -n '625p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} : ${execi 600  sed -n '589p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} h\
  ${goto 225}${execi 600  sed -n '859p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}  : ${execi 600  sed -n '823p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} h\
  ${goto 295}${execi 600  sed -n '1093p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} : ${execi 600  sed -n '1057p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly} h ${voffset 20}
${voffset -90}${color5}${goto 380}${execi 600 echo `date --date="0 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3}'`}\
	${goto 460}${execi 600 echo `date --date="1 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
	${goto 530}${execi 600 echo `date --date="2 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
	${goto 600}${execi 600 echo `date --date="3 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
	${goto 670}${execi 600 echo `date --date="4 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
	${goto 740}${execi 600 echo `date --date="5 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
	${goto 810}${execi 600 echo `date --date="6 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
	${goto 880}${execi 600 echo `date --date="7 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
	${goto 950}${execi 600 echo `date --date="8 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}\
	${goto 1020}${execi 600 echo `date --date="9 day" | awk '{print $1" "$3} {}'`}${voffset 90}
${voffset -30}${goto 13}Hum${goto 50}±\
${goto 84}Hum${goto 120}±\
${goto 153}Hum${goto 190}±\
${goto 222}Hum${goto 260}±\
${goto 292}Hum${goto 330}±\
	${color}${voffset 50}
	${voffset -50}\
	${goto 13}${execi 600  sed -n '202p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}%${goto 50}${execi 600  sed -n '217p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}°\
	${goto 84}${execi 600  sed -n '436p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}%${goto 120}${execi 600  sed -n '451p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}°\
	${goto 153}${execi 600  sed -n '670p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}%${goto 190}${execi 600  sed -n '685p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}°\
	${goto 222}${execi 600  sed -n '904p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}%${goto 260}${execi 600  sed -n '919p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}°\
	${goto 292}${execi 600  sed -n '1138p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}%${goto 330}${execi 600  sed -n '1153p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly}°${voffset -50}
${voffset -5}\
	${goto 350}Temp.:${color3}${goto 400}${execi 600  sed -n '44p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		                  ${goto 470}${execi 600  sed -n '150p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		                  ${goto 540}${execi 600  sed -n '256p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		                  ${goto 610}${execi 600  sed -n '362p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		                  ${goto 680}${execi 600  sed -n '468p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		                  ${goto 750}${execi 600  sed -n '574p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		                  ${goto 820}${execi 600  sed -n '680p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
        	                  ${goto 890}${execi 600  sed -n '786p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		                  ${goto 960}${execi 600  sed -n '892p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°\
		                  ${goto 1030}${execi 600  sed -n '998p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}°${color}
${goto 350}Vent.: ${goto 390}${execi 600  sed -n '89p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 460}${execi 600  sed -n '195p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 530}${execi 600  sed -n '301p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 600}${execi 600  sed -n '407p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 670}${execi 600  sed -n '513p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 740}${execi 600  sed -n '619p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 810}${execi 600  sed -n '725p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 880}${execi 600  sed -n '831p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 950}${execi 600  sed -n '937p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}\
                  ${goto 1020}${execi 600  sed -n '1043p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}
${goto 350}Vit.: ${goto 390}${execi 600  sed -n '87p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 460}${execi 600  sed -n '193p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 530}${execi 600  sed -n '299p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 600}${execi 600  sed -n '405p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 670}${execi 600  sed -n '511p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 740}${execi 600  sed -n '617p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 810}${execi 600  sed -n '723p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 880}${execi 600  sed -n '829p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 950}${execi 600  sed -n '935p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h\
                 ${goto 1020}${execi 600  sed -n '1041p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast}km/h${voffset 65}
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png 220 2 40 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Now.png 240 45 100 60}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d1.png 367 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d2.png 436 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d3.png 506 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d4.png 576 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d5.png 646 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d6.png 721 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d7.png 791 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d8.png 861 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d9.png 931 60 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d10.png 1001 60 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n1.png 367 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n2.png 436 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n3.png 506 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n4.png 576 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n5.png 646 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n6.png 721 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n7.png 791 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n8.png 861 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n9.png 931 170 66 40}\
			${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n10.png 1001 170 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/h2.png 10 170 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/h4.png 80 170 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/h6.png 150 170 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/h8.png 220 170 66 40}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/h10.png 290 170 66 40}

${voffset -150} 
le script 2b

address=" ... mines.json"
le code est à mettre entre /api/ et /conditions/ et bien sure remplacer Sarreguemines par votre ville

Code : Tout sélectionner


#put your hemisphere here: n for north, s for south

#put your Weather Underground address API here

wun_icon_to_png () {
    if [[ $1 == day ]]; then
        case $2 in
                echo 21
                echo 14
                echo 26
                echo 20
                echo 17
                echo 1
                echo 7
                echo 21
                echo 11
                echo 5
                echo 6
                echo 4
                echo 4
                echo 6
                echo 26
                echo 18
                echo 22
                echo 1
                echo 15
                echo 0
    elif [[ $1 == night ]]; then
        case $2 in
                echo 43
                echo 39
                echo 40
                echo 43
                echo 41
                echo 33
                echo 38
                echo 43
                echo 11
                echo 37
                echo 36
                echo 35
                echo 35
                echo 36
                echo 40
                echo 40
                echo 44
                echo 33
                echo 41
                echo 0

rm $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/*.png

killall -STOP conky
killall wget

wget -O $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/raw_data $address

#Conditions feature
sed -n '/,	"current_observation": {/,/,	"satellite": {/p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/raw_data > $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions
sed -i 's/^[ \t]*"//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions
sed -i '/current_observation\|image":\|logo_\|title":\|link":\|^[ \t]*},$\|^[ \t]*}$\|temperature_string\|forecast_url\|history_url\|ob_url\|satellite":/d' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions
sed -i -e 's/":"/\n/g' -e 's/",\|": {$//g' -e 's/"precip_1hr_string/\nprecip_1hr_string/g' -e 's/":/\n/g' -e 's/,$//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions
sed -i -e 's/^http.*\/c\/k\///g' -e '/gif/s/_.*$//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions
day_or_night=$(sed -n 137p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions)
if [[ $day_or_night == nt ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast_Images/$(wun_icon_to_png night $(sed -n 135p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions)).png $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Now.png
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast_Images/$(wun_icon_to_png day $(sed -n 135p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions)).png $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Now.png

#Satellite feature, commented out by default, uncomment if you wish so
#sed -n '/,	"satellite": {/,/"forecast":{/p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/raw_data > $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Satellite
#sed -i 's/^[ \t]*"//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Satellite
#sed -i -e '/image/!d' -e 's/^.*": "//g' -e 's/".*$//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Satellite
#for (( i=1; i<=3; i++ ))
#	  do
#         wget -O $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/sat_pic$i.png $(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Satellite)
#	  done

#Forecast feature: Forecast
sed -n '/"forecast":{/,/"simpleforecast": {/p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/raw_data > $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast
sed -i -e '/"period":\|icon_url/d' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast
sed -i 's/^[ \t]*"//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast
sed -i -e '/period\|icon\|title\|fcttext/!d' -e 's/":"/\n/g' -e 's/":/\n/g' -e 's/",//g' -e 's/,$//g' -e 's/nt_//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast

#Forecast feature: Simple Forecast
sed -n '/"simpleforecast": {/,/"hourly_forecast": \[/p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/raw_data > $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast
sed -i 's/^[ \t]*"//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast
sed -i '/hourly_forecast\|simpleforecast\|forecastday\|{"date"\|period\|icon_url\|^[ \t]*},$\|^[ \t]*}$\|^[ \t]*,$\|^[ \t]*\]$/d' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast
sed -i -e 's/":"/\n/g' -e 's/":/\n/g' -e 's/",$//g' -e 's/,$//g' -e 's/"$//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast
sed -i '/^[ \t]*{/d' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast
sed -i -e 's/^[ \t]*"//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast
for (( i=2; i<=146; i+=16 ))
        cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast_Images/$(wun_icon_to_png day $(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast)).png $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/d$(( 1+(i-2)/16 )).png
        j=$(( i+8 ))
        cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast_Images/$(wun_icon_to_png night $(sed -n ${j}p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast)).png $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/n$(( 1+(i-2)/16 )).png

#Forecast feature: Hourly
sed -n '/"hourly_forecast": \[/,/"moon_phase": {/p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/raw_data > $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly
sed -i -e 's/^[ \t]*"//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly
sed -i '/hourly_forecast\|FCTTIME\|^{$\|^},$\|^}$\|^,$\|^]$\|moon_phase/d' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly
sed -i -e 's/": /\n/g' -e 's/","/\n/g' -e 's/", "/\n/g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly
sed -i -e 's/^""//g' -e 's/^"//g' -e 's/^{"//g' -e 's/"},$//g' -e 's/",$//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly 
sed -i -e 's/^},//g' -e 's/"}$//g' -e 's/^,//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly
sed -i -e 's/^icon_url.*\/c\/k\///g' -e '/gif/s/_.*$//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly
sed -i -e '/min_unpadded\|UTCDATE/,+1d' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly
for (( i=64; i<=4212; i+=117 ))
		j=$(( i+1 ))
		day_or_night=$(sed -n ${j}p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly)
		if [[ $day_or_night == nt ]]; then
			cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast_Images/$(wun_icon_to_png night $(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly)).png $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/h$(( 1+(i-64)/117 )).png
			cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Forecast_Images/$(wun_icon_to_png day $(sed -n ${i}p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly)).png $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/h$(( 1+(i-64)/117 )).png
#Forecast feature: Moon_Sun
sed -n '/"moon_phase": {/,/"sun_phase": {/p' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/raw_data > $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun
sed -i 's/^[ \t]*"//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun
sed -i '/moon_phase\|^[ \t]*},$\|sun_phase\|^[ \t]*}$/d' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun
sed -i -e 's/":"/\n/g' -e 's/".*$//g' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun
moon_phase=$(sed -n 6p $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun)
if [[ $moon_phase == "Waning Crescent" ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/moonicons/$hemisphere"21.png" $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png
elif [[ $moon_phase == "Waxing Crescent" ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/moonicons/$hemisphere"04.png" $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png
elif [[ $moon_phase == "Waning Gibbous" ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/moonicons/$hemisphere"17.png" $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png
elif [[ $moon_phase == "Waxing Gibbous" ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/moonicons/$hemisphere"09.png" $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png
elif [[ $moon_phase == "First Quarter" ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/moonicons/$hemisphere"07.png" $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png
elif [[ $moon_phase == "Last Quarter" ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/moonicons/$hemisphere"19.png" $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png
elif [[ $moon_phase == "New Moon" ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/moonicons/$hemisphere"24.png" $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png
elif [[ $moon_phase == "Full Moon" ]]; then
	cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/moonicons/$hemisphere"13.png" $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_phase.png

 ## English to French
cp $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
if [[ -s $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr ]]; then
	sed -i -e 's/Clouds and sun/Nuages et soleil/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Turning cloudy and less humid/Moins nuageux et moins humide/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/A couple of showers/Averses éparses/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Mostly cloudy/Ciel plutôt nuageux/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Rain and drizzle/Pluie et bruine/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Cloudy with a couple/Nuages épars/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Cloudy with a bit of/Nuageux,Faible pluie/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr	
	sed -i -e 's/Cloudy/Nuageux/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/A few a.m. showers,/Pluies l'\''après-midi/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Showers around in th/Quelques averses l'\''après-midi/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/breezy/Venteux/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Times of clouds and/Nuages épars avec soleil/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/A little morning rai/Faible pluie le matin/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/a little morning rai/Faible pluie le matin/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/A touch of afternoon/Faible pluie l'\''après-midi/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Periods of rain/Pluies intermittentes/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Rain shover/Averses de pluie/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Rain/Pluie/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Light rain/Pluie/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Light Rain/Pluie/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Light/Faible/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Foggy/Brumeux/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Dense fog/Brouillard dense/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Light fog/Léger brouillard/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Mist/Brume/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Light rain shower/Pluie faible/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Partly cloudy/Partiellement nuageux/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Partly Cloudy/Partiellement nuageux/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Partly/Partiellement/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/shower/averses/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Som sun,then turni/Mitigé/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Sunny/Ensoleillé/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Clear/Clair/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Light Freezing Fog/Léger brouillard givrant/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Mostly/Peu/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Fog/Brouillard/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Scattered Clouds/Nuages épars/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	sed -i -e 's/Drizzle/Bruine/' $HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions-fr
	 sed -i -e 's/New Moon/Nouvelle Lune/g' -e 's/Waxing Crescent/Lune Montante/g' -e 's/First Quarter/Premier Quartier/g' -e 's/Waxing Gibbous/Gibeuse Croissante/g' -e 's/Full/Pleine Lune/g' -e 's/Waning Gibbous/Gibeuse Décroissante/g' -e 's/Last Quarter/Dernier Quartier/g' -e 's/Waning Crescent/Lune Déscendante/g' /$HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Moon_Sun
         sed -i -e 's/NW/NO/g' -e 's/WNW/ONO/g' -e 's/NNW/NNO/g' -e 's/W/O/g' -e 's/SSW/SSO/g' -e 's/SW/SO/g' -e 's/WSW/OSO/g' /$HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Simple_Forecast
         sed -i -e 's/Mon/Lun/g' -e 's/Tue/Mar/g' -e 's/Wed/Mer/g' -e 's/Thu/Jeu/g' -e 's/Fri/Ven/g' -e 's/Sat/Sam/g' -e 's/Sun/Dim/g' /$HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions
         sed -i -e 's/Feb/Fév/g' -e 's/Apr/Avr/g' -e 's/May/Mai/g' -e 's/Jun/Jui/g' -e 's/Jul/Jui/g' -e 's/Aug/Aou/g' /$HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Conditions
         sed -i -e 's/Mon/Lun/g' -e 's/Tue/Mar/g' -e 's/Wed/Mer/g' -e 's/Thu/Jeu/g' -e 's/Fri/Ven/g' -e 's/Sat/Sam/g' -e 's/Sun/Dim/g' /$HOME/2b_Wunderground_API/Hourly
	killall -CONT conky


HP Pavilion g 7 1357 sf avec ssd Tessa cinnamon Mageia 7rc mate
Asus ROG avec xubuntu 18.04 et xubuntu 19.04


Messages : 16473
Enregistré le : ven. 19 juin 2015 22:13
Localisation : plus ici

Re: Conky

Message par zeb »

Pas hors sujet, mais pas de conky sur ce message :roll:

Alors voila, je suis en train de personnaliser ma mint qui me sert à faire des essais.
J'installe conky manager (pas envie de me prendre la tête à faire un code), je le personnalise, jusque-là tout va bien.
Pour des raisons de MIAM :mrgreen: j'appuie sur les touches (clavier logitech) FN+F12 pour la mise en veille et là niet, rien, seule solution (trouvé au bout de quelques minutes :geek: :lol: ) ouvrir une fenêtre (n'importe quoi comme fenêtre, mais un truc actif sur le bureau :evil: ), je commence par rebooter avec une autre noyau, toujours rien :evil: .
Me vient l'idée de killer conky manager, et surprise, ça refonctionne :D

Certainement une config à faire :shock: :?:
Je ne cherche pas de solution, je vais simplement faire conky à la mimine ;)

Voila, juste ce petit message pour signaler le bug, ça pourra peut être aider ;)

Messages : 16473
Enregistré le : ven. 19 juin 2015 22:13
Localisation : plus ici

Re: Conky

Message par zeb »

Mon conky me fait de petites misères :cry:
Les icônes arrivent à se glisser dessous, et là je sèche :?
Voici mon code avant text:

Code : Tout sélectionner

background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=10
xftalpha 1
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type override
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 500
maximum_width 1500
text_buffer_size 1024
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
default_color white
default_outline_color white
alignment top_right
gap_x 20
gap_y 10
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 4
net_avg_samples 4
override_utf8_locale yes
color1 white
color2 orange
color3 6495ee
color4 green
color5 red
color6 yellow
# Lua Load
#lua_load ~/.conky/draw_bg.lua
#lua_draw_hook_pre draw_bg
#lua_load ~/.conky/conky_grey.lua
#lua_draw_hook_pre main
lua_load ~/.conky/tous/tous.lua #chemin du .lua
lua_draw_hook_post main_rings #ordre de lancement si demande de plusieurs lua
Si quelqu'un a une idée ;)

Avatar du membre
Messages : 5730
Enregistré le : mar. 21 juil. 2015 07:42
Localisation : à l'ouest

Re: Conky

Message par tyrry »

Slt ,
remplace :
own_window yes par own_window no
et double_buffer yes par double_buffer no

ou si tu utilise compiz , il faut lancer conky qu'après que compiz soit entièrement charger bref temporisé l'affichage de conky

Distro: Debian 12 Bookworm Desktop: LXDE
Kernel: 6.1.0-19-amd64 Drive: Intel Nvme 240
CPU: Ryzen 3 PRO 2200GE RAM: 16 go Graphics Card: AMD ATI Radeon Vega Series
L'experience est quelque chose que vous obtenez, juste après que vous en ayez besoin

Messages : 16473
Enregistré le : ven. 19 juin 2015 22:13
Localisation : plus ici

Re: Conky

Message par zeb »

Hello le campeur ;)
tyrry a écrit :own_window yes par own_window no
et double_buffer yes par double_buffer no
C'est l'anarchie dans l'affichage, une vrai partouze d’icône et de conky :o
Gestion des fenêtres :macro+compton
Je vais quand même retarder le démarrage de conky de 10 à 20 secondes, je verrai au prochain démarrage, demain.

A la demande de mon ami le campeur :mrgreen:
On voit que l’icône peut passer derrière le conky.

Avatar du membre
Messages : 227
Enregistré le : dim. 14 août 2016 11:53
Localisation : Lac -st-Jean --- Quebec

Mon Conky

Message par virusdunil »

Voila mon conky...simple et complet sur 3 feuilles ;)



Code : Tout sélectionner

#Fonctionnement de conky 
  total_run_times 0		#temps en secondes ; 0 = toujours actif
  background no		#Pour que conky tourne en arrière plan ; no = pour les tests

#Réglages système
  cpu_avg_samples 1		#Nb d'échantillons pour calculer la moyenne d'utilisation CPU
  net_avg_samples 2		#Nb d'échantillons pour calculer la moyenne d'utilisation CPU

  double_buffer yes		#Éviter le clignotement
  no_buffers yes		#Soustraire les mémoires tampons...
  text_buffer_size 1024 la mémoire utilisée

  out_to_console no		#Affiche le texte sur la sortie standard
  update_interval 1		#Taux de rafraîchissement de la fenêtre (s)

#Fenêtre conky
alignment top_left
minimum_size 400 600
  maximum_width 400		#Largeur maximum (px)
gap_x 20
gap_y 5
  draw_shades no		#Afficher les ombres
  draw_outline no		#Afficher les contours de fenêtre
  draw_borders no		#Afficher des contours autour des blocs de texte
  border_width 1		#Largeur du contour
  border_inner_margin 1		#Largeur des marges
  own_window yes
own_window_title conky
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_type sticky

#Mise en forme
  use_xft yes			#Utiliser Xft (polices lissées etc)
  xftalpha .1			#Utiliser Xft
  override_utf8_locale yes 	#Force l'UTF8
  uppercase no			#Tout le texte en majuscule
  use_spacer yes		#Ajoute des espaces après certains objets (qu'avec des polices fixes)
  xftfont saxMono:size=10 	#Police par défaut

  default_color 0080FF		#Couleur par défaut

  color1 0080FF			#Gris
  color2 BF0A0D 		#Rouge
  color3 7AA6CC 		#Bleu
  color4 FFFF00			#jaune

own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour 000000
${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=18}${color4}${exec cat /etc/lsb-release | grep "DES" | cut -d "=" -f2 | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/ /_/g'}
${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${offset 15}${color1}Heure : ${color3}${time %H : %M : %S}
${offset 15}${color1}Date : ${time %A %d %B %Y}
${offset 15}Semaine: ${color2}${time %V} ${color1}de 53

${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color4}Systeme${font}
${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${offset 15}${color1}Uptime  : ${color3}${uptime}
${offset 15}${color1}Kernel  : ${sysname} ${color2}${kernel}
${offset 15}${color1}Machine : ${nodename} ${machine}

${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color4}Temperatures
${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${offset 15}${color1}TEMP. Processeur 1: ${hwmon temp 2}°C ${alignr}TEMP. Processeur 2: ${hwmon temp 3}°C
${offset 15}Temp Disque Dur: ${execpi 10 hddtemp -n /dev/sda}°C ${alignr}Temp GPU Radeon: ${hwmon 1 temp 1}°C 
${offset 15}Temp Memoires: ${hwmon 1 temp 2}°C${alignr}Temp Carte mere: ${hwmon 1 temp 3}°C
${offset 15}Temp Carte mere: ${hwmon 1 temp 4}°C

${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color4}Vitesse Ventilateurs
${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${color1}${exec sensors | grep 'RPM'}

${color2}${font StyleBats:size=16}${font}${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color4}Activité CPU${color3}${alignc}Moyenne/Minute ${cpu cpu}%${font}
${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${offset 15}${color1}Core 1 : ${freq_g 1} GHz - ${color3}${cpu cpu1}% ${color2}${cpubar cpu1}
${offset 15}${color1}${cpugraph cpu1  20,375  176e88 2E9AFE}
${offset 15}Core 2 : ${freq_g 2} GHz - ${color3}${cpu cpu2}% ${color2}${cpubar cpu2}
${offset 15}${color1}${cpugraph cpu2  20,375 176e88 2E9AFE}
${font StyleBats:size=16}${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color4}Activité Memoire${font}
${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${color1}RAM : $mem / $memmax   ${alignr}${color4}$memperc% Utilisé
${color2}${alignr}${membar 5,375}
${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color4}Activité Disque${font}
${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${offset 15}${color1}sda1 activité /racine
${offset 30}Lecture: ${color2}${diskio_read sda1}${goto 172}${color1}

${offset 30}${color1}${diskiograph_read sda1 20,350 176e88 66FF00}
Ecriture : ${color2}${diskio_write sda1}
${offset 30}${color1}${diskiograph_write sda1 20,350 176e88 66FF00}
${color4}Systeme de Fichier
${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color3}Disque Dur Principal-SDA${font}${alignr}${fs_used_perc /}% Utilisé
${color3}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar 6 /}
${color4}Entropie: ${entropy_perc}% ${color4}- ${color3}${entropy_bar}


Code : Tout sélectionner

 #Fonctionnement de conky 
  total_run_times 0		#temps en secondes ; 0 = toujours actif
  background yes		#Pour que conky tourne en arrière plan ; no = pour les tests

#Réglages système
  cpu_avg_samples 1		#Nb d'échantillons pour calculer la moyenne d'utilisation CPU
  net_avg_samples 2		#Nb d'échantillons pour calculer la moyenne d'utilisation CPU

  double_buffer yes		#Éviter le clignotement
  no_buffers yes		#Soustraire les mémoires tampons...
  text_buffer_size 1024 la mémoire utilisée

  out_to_console no		#Affiche le texte sur la sortie standard
  update_interval 1		#Taux de rafraîchissement de la fenêtre (s)

#Fenêtre conky
alignment top_middle

gap_x 725
gap_y 15
  draw_shades no		#Afficher les ombres
  draw_outline no		#Afficher les contours de fenêtre
  draw_borders no		#Afficher des contours autour des blocs de texte
  border_width 1		#Largeur du contour
  border_inner_margin 1		#Largeur des marges
  own_window yes
own_window_title conky
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_type normal

#Mise en forme
  use_xft yes			#Utiliser Xft (polices lissées etc)
  xftalpha .1			#Utiliser Xft
  override_utf8_locale yes 	#Force l'UTF8
  uppercase no			#Tout le texte en majuscule
  use_spacer yes		#Ajoute des espaces après certains objets (qu'avec des polices fixes)
  xftfont saxMono:size=10	#Police par défaut
  stippled_borders 5		#Taille des pointillés

  default_color FFFFFF 		#Couleur par défaut
  default_shade_color 333333	#Couleur des ombres
  default_outline_color black	#Couleur des contours
  color1 0080FF		#Gris
  color2 BF0A0D 		#Rouge
  color3 7AA6ff 		#Bleu
  color4 FFFF00			#jaune

own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_colour 000000
own_window_transparent yes
minimum_size 400 600
${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color4}Utilisation Reseau
${hr 1}
${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${offset 15}${color1}Upload : ${color3}${upspeed eth0}ko/s
${offset 15}${color1}${upspeedgraph eth0  176e88 66FF00}
${offset 15}Download : ${color3}${downspeed eth0}ko/s
${offset 15}${color1}${downspeedgraph eth0  176e88 66FF00}
${color lightblue}Downloads${goto 150}${color3}${alignr}Uploads

${color lightblue}Actuel : $color3${goto 60}${execi 300 vnstat -i eth0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $2 $3}'}${goto 150}${color lightblue}${alignr}Actuel : $color3${goto 210}${alignr}${execi 300 vnstat -i eth0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $5 $6}'}
${color lightblue}Hier: $color3${texeci 300 vnstat -i eth0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $2 $3}'} $color ${goto 145}${goto 150}${color lightblue}${alignr}Hier : $color3${alignr}${texeci 300 vnstat -i eth0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $5 $6}'} 
${color lightblue}Semaine : $color3${execi 300 vnstat -i eth0 -w | grep "current week" | awk '{print $3 $4}'}${goto 150}${color lightblue}${alignr}Semaine : $color3${goto 210}${alignr}${execi 300 vnstat -i eth0 -w | grep "current week" | awk '{print $6 $7}'} 
${color lightblue}Mois : $color3${texeci 300 vnstat -m -i eth0 | grep "'" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $3 $4}'}$color ${goto 145}${color lightblue}${alignr}Mois : $color3${alignr}${texeci 300 vnstat | grep "tx:" | awk '{print $5 $6}'}

${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color4}Reseautage${alignc}${color3}${wireless_link_qual eth0}%${font}
${color3}${voffset -5}${hr}
${color3}Ports Ouverts: ${color4}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}${alignc}${color3}Entrant :  ${color4}${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count}${alignr}${color3}Sortant: ${color4}${tcp_portmon 32768 65535 count}
${offset 15}${color3}Interface : ${color4}${gw_iface}
${offset 15}${color3}I.P. Loc. : ${alignr}${color3}${addr eth0}
${offset 15}${color3}I.P. Pas. : ${alignr}${color3}${gw_ip}
${offset 15}${color3}I.P. Pub. : ${alignr}${color3}${exec wget -qO -}${else}${font Visitor TT1 BRK : pixelsize=12}${color1}

Code : Tout sélectionner

 #Fonctionnement de conky 
  total_run_times 0		#temps en secondes ; 0 = toujours actif
  background yes		#Pour que conky tourne en arrière plan ; no = pour les tests

#Réglages système
  cpu_avg_samples 1		#Nb d'échantillons pour calculer la moyenne d'utilisation CPU
  net_avg_samples 2		#Nb d'échantillons pour calculer la moyenne d'utilisation CPU

  double_buffer yes		#Éviter le clignotement
  no_buffers yes		#Soustraire les mémoires tampons...
  text_buffer_size 1024 la mémoire utilisée

  out_to_console no		#Affiche le texte sur la sortie standard
  update_interval 1		#Taux de rafraîchissement de la fenêtre (s)

#Fenêtre conky
alignment top_middle
minimum_size 400 600
  maximum_width 400		#Largeur maximum (px)
gap_x 200
gap_y 5
  draw_shades no		#Afficher les ombres
  draw_outline no		#Afficher les contours de fenêtre
  draw_borders no		#Afficher des contours autour des blocs de texte
  border_width 1		#Largeur du contour
  border_inner_margin 1		#Largeur des marges
  own_window yes
own_window_title conky
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_type normal

#Mise en forme
  use_xft yes			#Utiliser Xft (polices lissées etc)
  xftalpha .1			#Utiliser Xft
  override_utf8_locale yes 	#Force l'UTF8
  uppercase no			#Tout le texte en majuscule
  use_spacer yes		#Ajoute des espaces après certains objets (qu'avec des polices fixes)
  xftfont saxMono:size=10 	#Police par défaut
  stippled_borders 5		#Taille des pointillés

  default_color 0080FF		#Couleur par défaut
  default_shade_color 333333	#Couleur des ombres
  default_outline_color black	#Couleur des contours
  color1 0080FF			#Gris
  color2 BF0A0D 		#Rouge
  color3 7AA6CC 		#Bleu
  color4 FFFF00			#jaune

own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour 000000
${color4}Top CPU
${hr 1}
Name              PID   ${alignc}CPU%   ${alignr}MEM%
${color red} ${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${alignc}${top cpu 1} ${alignr}${top mem 1}
${color lightblue} ${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${alignc}${top cpu 2} ${alignr}${top mem 2}
${color lightblue} ${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${alignc}${top cpu 3} ${alignr}${top mem 3}
${color lightblue} ${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${alignc}${top cpu 4} ${alignr}${top mem 4}
${color lightblue} ${top name 5} ${top pid 5} ${alignc}${top cpu 5} ${alignr}${top mem 5}

${color4}Top MEM
${hr 1}
Name              PID   ${alignc}CPU%   ${alignr}MEM%
${color red} ${top_mem name 1} ${top_mem pid 1} ${alignc}${top_mem cpu 1} ${alignr}${top_mem mem 1}
${color lightblue} ${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem pid 2} ${alignc}${top_mem cpu 2} ${alignr}${top_mem mem 2}
${color lightblue} ${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem pid 3} ${alignc}${top_mem cpu 3} ${alignr}${top_mem mem 3}
${color lightblue} ${top_mem name 4} ${top_mem pid 4} ${alignc}${top_mem cpu 4} ${alignr}${top_mem mem 4}
${color lightblue} ${top_mem name 5} ${top_mem pid 5} ${alignc}${top_mem cpu 5} ${alignr}${top_mem mem 5}

${color4}Connections WEB
${hr 1}
${color red}Entrante: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} ${alignc}Sortante: ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 count}${alignr}Total: ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}

${color red}Connections Entrantes ${alignr} LService Local/Port$color
${tcp_portmon 1 32767 rhost 0} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 lservice 0}
${tcp_portmon 1 32767 rhost 1} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 lservice 1}
${tcp_portmon 1 32767 rhost 2} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 lservice 2}
${tcp_portmon 1 32767 rhost 3} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 lservice 3}
${tcp_portmon 1 32767 rhost 4} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 lservice 4}

${color red}Connections Sortantes ${alignr} Service Distant/Port$color

${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 0} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 0}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 1} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 1}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 2} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 2}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 3} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 3}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 4} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 4}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 5} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 5}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 6} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 6}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 7} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 7}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 8} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 8}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 9} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 9}

amusez vous bien ;)
HP Compaq dc7700p La plus puissante au mondeMobo: Hewlett-Packard model: 0A54h Bios: Hewlett-Packard v: 786E1 v03.07 date: 08/11/2011
Distro: Puissant Linux Mint KDE - 17.3
Kernel: 4.1.2-040102-generic Desktop: KDE Plasma 4.14.2
Dual core Intel Core2 6400 (-MCP-) cache: 2048 KB clock speeds: max: 2133 MHz
ATI/Radeon HD5400 Series-1024mo/650MHZ

Avatar du membre
Messages : 11564
Enregistré le : mar. 14 juil. 2015 18:22
Localisation : Lorraine France

Re: Mon Conky

Message par débitant »

j'en connais certain qui vont bien s'amuser :lol:

Messages : 16473
Enregistré le : ven. 19 juin 2015 22:13
Localisation : plus ici

Re: Mon Conky

Message par zeb »

Merci virus ;)
J'ai bien envie de fusionner avec ... ?f=14&t=34" onclick=";return false; qui pourrait être comme "nos bureaux" mais pour les conky (en même temps c'est déjà le cas :D ).

Qu'en pensez vous (débitant et virus)
